First video on youtube

Me at the zoo – Wikipedia

23. apr. 2020 — YouTube co-founder Jawed Karim posted the 18-second video, titled “Me at the zoo.” It has since garnered over 90 million views. To this day, it …

The first ever YouTube video was uploaded 15 years ago – CNN

Here are the first ever YouTube videos: Top 10 oldest YouTube videos · 1. ‘Me at the Zoo’, Jawed Karim – April 23, 2005 · 2. ‘My Snowboarding Skillz’, MW – April …

The first ever YouTube video was uploaded 17 years ago in …

Here are the first ever YouTube videos: Top 10 oldest YouTube videos

13. jun. 2022 — The first ever video on YouTube was uploaded 17 years ago on April 23, 2005 and since then the popular video sharing platform has emerged …

Camera quality has definitely improved since the release of ‘Me at the Zoo’

Here are the first ever YouTube videos: Top 10 oldest …

Youtube Shares Its First Ever Video Uploaded 17 Years Ago, Internet Loves It

13. jun. 2022 — The video titled ‘Me at the zoo’ is the first-ever video uploaded on YouTube. Jawed Karim posted it on April 24, 2005. Watch the first-ever …

YouTube shares its first ever video uploaded 17 years ago, Internet loves it

Youtube Shares Its First Ever Video Uploaded 17 Years Ago …

YouTube shares the first-ever video uploaded on its platform. Watch | Trending – Hindustan Times

29. nov. 2022 — What was the first YouTube video ever, you ask? The first video on YouTube was a video titled ‘Me at the Zoo’ – or so they say.

The first-ever video was uploaded on YouTube by Jawed Karim 17 years ago.  | Trending

YouTube shares the first-ever video uploaded on its platform …

What Was the First YouTube Video? – TubeKarma

11. jan. 2022 — The first YouTube video is “Me at the zoo” and was uploaded on April 23, 2005 by co-founder Jared Karim when he was 25 years old. The video runs …

The world has come to regard ‘Me at the Zoo’ to be the first video on YouTube to be uploaded by a channel. Is this entirely true? Find out in this deep dive.

What Was the First YouTube Video? – TubeKarma

When Did YouTube Start and What Was the First YouTube Video?

29. maj 2020 — Watch the first video ever posted to YouTube: an 18-second-long, grainy home video.

YouTube is one of the most popular websites in the world, but it had humble origins. Here’s the history of YouTube.

When Did YouTube Start and What Was the First … – MakeUseOf

YouTube First Video Uploaded 15 Years Ago — Watch ‘Me at the Zoo’

The 18-second video of cofounder Jawed Karim is simple, but it forged a historic path for billions of online videos to come.

Keywords: first video on youtube, first youtube video